A range of benefits

We suppose ultimately that you can only really judge if it is going to be beneficial to you to be a member of NABO is if you join us! The main reason many have joined us over the years (we are 23 in 2014) is to help support a dedicated volunteer group (democratically elected – […]

Benefits: Sharing knowledge and representation

Members enjoy short channels of communication and easy access to NABO’s Council members and officers, without intervening layers of hierarchy. NABO has access to a wide range of experience and expertise in all aspects of boat ownership. Current Council has members drawn from boating sectors such as Shared Ownership’s, continuous cruising, bank-side based BW permanent moorings, […]

NABO News 2011

Nabo News – Issue 7 of 2011:  4 Editorial  5 Chairman’s column News:  7 For the record  8 NABO’s 20th AGM Chairman’s report 11 CRT Council 12 LILO gathering 13 Thames boom 14 NABO membership 15 Buckingham restoration 15 Olympic torch 16 Waterway partnerships 18 EA navigation charges 19 Crossword 20 Ribble link 20 A […]

NABO News 2010

Nabo News – Issue 6 of 2010: 4   Editorial 5   Notes from the Council meeting 6   The Chairman’s column 8   Talking Points: Mugs for sale 12 Talking Points: British Waterways mooring policies and aims 14 Free safety advice for stoves 15 Talking Points: Life after Ownerships 16 Practicalities: Satellite TV 18 Cruise Diaries: A very […]