NABO News on line

NABO News back copies are available to read by non members. See this link for the library here The latest colour edition of NABO News is only available online to NABO members who have registered on the website. Members can log in and then open the pdf file on the Members/NABO News latest edition. That gives NABO members advance access […]
NABO News on line

NABO News back copies are available to read by non members. See this link for the library here The latest colour edition of NABO News is only available online to NABO members who have registered on the website. Members can log in and then open the pdf file on the Members/NABO News latest edition. That gives NABO members advance access […]
Membership team documents
This page provides a resource of typical documents for use by the membership team. They are provided as examples and should be reviewed and modified for specific use.
Trouble with login?
If you are having trouble logging in this is often a local issue with your PC. The common symptoms are that you enter your details, but frustratingly the page comes back to a blank login page again, and again. You are probably logged in, but cannot go further. Try this fix 1. Close your browser, […]
Restoring back ups to Joomla
Back ups for the web site There are three ways for back up. Firstly there is a system on the SiteGround admin system. This is a manual backup that I do from time to time. The files are stored on the SiteGround system and cannot be accessed. If there is a need to restore the […]
CRT publishes findings from survey of moorings customers
CRT has recently circulated its findings from a survey of its moorings customers. We have posted a copy on the web site here. There are many findings of interest but the key ones for me are that; Satisfaction with maintenance is low. Only 22% of customers thought maintenance services were good or excellent. Only 31% […]
Setting up a NABO mail account.
This covers setting up a IMAP mail box on the SiteGround internet server. Some @NABO addresses do not have a mail box, and they simply forward mail to the recipients personal email. This is not covered by this note and if this is what is needed, ask the web master. Officers of the Association usually […]
The AGM for NABO will take place on Saturday 16th November 2013 at Wolverhampton Boat Club, Barnhurst Lane, Bilbrook, Wolverhampton, WV8 1RS Pendeford Lane, Wolverhampton, WV10 0PG on the southern end of the Shropshire Union.
Recent Court judgement on Council Tax
A recent judgement in the High Court of Appeal may have implications for boaters living on a boat at a fixed spot on the canal system whether at an official mooring or not and irrespective of whether the mooring is classed as residential. A précis of the circumstances and the judgement is explained below.
AGM held on the K&A in 2012
The AGM was held at the Beef and Barge Pub at Braford on Avon, on Saturday 17 November.