Another change to CRT private boat terms
This week our hard working NABO team noticed that the private boat Terms and Conditions document from CRT has been changed in November 2021. You would be hard put to notice the changes because: CRT haven’t announced anything or notified licence holders. The changes are not identified in the new document. The pdf document title […]
NABO pleased with changes to EA’s proposals on boat registration charges
The Environment Agency has today published its final decisions on boat registration charges on its waterways for the next 3 years: These have resulted from the 8 week consultation launched in July relating to its initial proposals. Following feedback from boater representative organisations (including NABO) and individual boaters regarding the changes which included a proposed […]
Wales & South West User Forum
I attended the virtual meeting of the above on Thursday 4th November, which concentrated on the Kennet and Avon Canal. I have to say that this was one of the very best CRT Forum meetings I have attended and the Director responsible, Mark Evans, needs to be congratulated on developing a format which really works. […]
The NABO AGM will be held at on Saturday 13th November at the Tamworth CC Club, Kettlebrook Wharf, Kettlebrook Rd Tamworth B77 1AG (by boat it is on the Coventry Canal, just up from Fazeley Junction). We will start at 11 am with the AGM formal business, followed by a presentation and discussion. After […]
Zero emissions for new boats?
Under the UK clean air strategy, the government has mandated that boats ordered from 2025 must use zero-emission technologies. This and many other changes are part of the UK climate change commitments to reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Your answers to this questionnaire will allow us better understanding of the opportunities and challenges […]
Are we about to witness different licences for continuous cruisers?
Mike Rodd believes that this is what the new words in CRT’s terms and conditions are saying, even though CRT denies this. At last we were able to have a real NABO Council meeting and it was such a pleasure to meet our new councillors physically! It is amazing how we have coped over the […]
Thames Navigation Users Forum October Meeting
On Thursday 14 October Mike Rodd tried to attend a “Teams” meeting of TNUF. Unfortunately he had to attend via phone only as there was poor internet access from where he was moored. However, Teams dropped out several times and he was placed on unmute and the function to reverse this would not work but […]
Winter moorings 21-21
This year, CRT’s winter moorings are divided into eight price bands that reflect each site’s relative attractiveness (location and nearby facilities), level of demand and pricing in line with long-term moorings and private mooring operators. The order has been reversed with Band 1 being the lowest priced and Band 8 the highest. Compared to last […]
The green revolution and boating
John Devonald peers into his crystal ball. Some of you will have seen NABO’s bulletin on sustainable boating in the future and our decision to push hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO) as the best solution for boaters. This article is to put some flesh on the bones of the bulletin article and the reasons we have […]
Strategy, what strategy?
Mark Tizard shares some thoughts on mooring in London. For several years, CRT sought views via the Boater Relationship Group and subsequently, when this collapsed, it facilitated meetings that resulted in the publication of its London Strategy document in June 2018. This outlined the actions that CRT would take to address congestion in London. A […]