Another change to CRT private boat terms

This week our hard working NABO team noticed that the private boat Terms and Conditions document from CRT has been changed in November 2021.

You would be hard put to notice the changes because:

  • CRT haven’t announced anything or notified licence holders.
  • The changes are not identified in the new document.
  • The pdf document title still says June, but it is really November.
  • Their previous versions are no longer on the CRT web site, though they still will apply to boaters who bought their last licence before June 2021, or before November 2021.

Here is a copy of the last version marked up in green with the recent changes. Not much there really, probably just a tidy up, but it needs study.  CRT obviously thought it needed changing to their advantage, or they wouldn’t have done it. So we are right to be suspicious.

The link to the CRT web site is here. Be careful. The files are the same name from previous versions, though the file reference changes. It is easy to get them mixed up or overwritten. The new version only applies to licences bought when this is on display, we assume since the start of November 2021. So for most people this doesn’t apply to you until you buy or renew your licence.

The June 2021 terms are here. (After the false start)

The terms prior to the May rewrite, which applied since 2015 are here.

Given where this is going, we will try and maintain a library of all the versions and get it up on the web site soon.

We recommend that you download the Terms and Privacy documents that apply when you buy your licence so that you know what you have agreed to.