Upload the Latest NABO News

Phase 2 – Upload the Latest Issue to the Members Section You should have previously completed Phase 1 –  Upload the previous NABO News to the Reference section. On your computer, label the latest issue’s pdf of NABO News current.pdf. Delete the pdf file for the previous NABO News issue – current.pdf, by clicking on the […]

Which Section/Category?

This FAQ lists the different Sections of the nabo.org.uk website, and the sub-sections (Categories) within each Section. The Joomla software requires the articles we produce to be placed in sections and (sub) categories. We have full control over the number and names of these divisions, but the current arrangement is fit for purpose now. These […]

NABO Cookie Policy

Our information about Cookies This document sets out the details of how the National Association of Boat Owners (NABO) website handles the data which identifies users of our website. It is important that you read this section of our cookie policy together with our General Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. This is so that […]

NABO Terms & Conditions

nabo.org.uk Terms and Conditions for use of web site and internet media, and of NABO Membership Website Agreement to Communicate Electronically In using this website or sending us email, you are communicating with NABO electronically. You consent to receive communications from us electronically subject to the Privacy Policy. We will communicate with you by email […]