BW licence increase for 2012 to be 6.4%
Licence renewals since January have included a notice saying increases from April 2012 will be 6.4%. This is based on the consumer price index of July 2011 (4.4%) plus 2%.
Over £1 billion investment secures future of new waterways charity
Here is the direct article placed by DEFRA and its announcement this morning (Tuesday 31st January) NABO Chairman is at a presentation by the Government during Tuesday afternoon and will no doubt comment further following that.
Let Voting Commence
LET VOTING COMMENCE! – THE CRT COUNCIL ELECTION GETS UNDERWAY by Stephen Peters (NABO and TBA preferred candidate in the CRT elections) The election for the Boaters’ Representatives on the Canal & River Trust Council will take another step forward on 8 February 2012, when the ballot process commences. Eligible voters (i.e. one person for […]
BW talk about summer 2012 around London
British Waterways met with London Boaters this week. BW identified a number of areas where they are looking at improving facilities. These include reinstalling water points at Islington and Kensal and a possible new point at Mile End. They asked for suggestions of where new rubbish points could be provided that have road access for them. There were […]
British Waterways responds to drought conditions
Following closures on the K&A and GU canals, BW has alerted boaters to the drought conditions that may affect boating during 2012, through their Waterscape website. Vince Moran, BW’s Operations Director said that It is no secret that parts of England have had the driest year for over 100 years which may pose problems for a proportion […]
BW Audlem Visitor Moorings Consultation
British Waterways have opened a consultation about traders overstaying at Audlem. NABO has been invited to respond, so we invite members to add any comments below before January 21st 2012 so that NABO Council can put a response together.
North Wales and Borders seek members for the Partnership
The Canal & River Trust is delighted to announce Jim Forrester as the chair of the new North Wales and Borders Waterway Partnership. Mr Forrester and waterway manager Wendy Capelle, are now looking to recruit
Nominations open for boater’s representatives on CRT Council
Boaters are being asked to stand for election for the CRT Council. Nominations opened on 12 December.
Boater has lucky escape from boat fire
A boater had a lucky escape in the last few days. NABO understands that the fire originated at night from a pyrolysis fire of wood in the cabin lining adjacent to a solid fuel stove. The boater apparently did not have a functioning smoke alarm, and was lucky to escape the smoke filled boat.
NABO Officers elected for 2012
NABO officers were elected for 2012 at the first Council meeting held on 26 November 2011.