A Month of Meetings.

Chair Anne Husar reflects on the month Such is the lot of a chairperson as the calendar fills with some face to face but mainly online meetings these days. Convenient if chancy with the capricious wifi at our mooring, they remain a great way to maintain NABO’s reputation for keeping current boater issues on the […]

Money, Money, Money

Editor John Sadler on funding For anyone who read last month’s editorial it seems I might have put too much trust in the veracity of information published. A letter by Iain Street correcting some of the misconceptions is published in the letters section. It’s no surprise as I’m writing, accompanied by the gentle patter of […]

CRT response on new Privacy terms

CRT changed their privacy documents in late 2023. You can see them here: https://canalrivertrust.org.uk/the-publication-scheme/making-a-request-for-information/privacy-notice We have asked under FOI for an explanation of the basis for the change and they have provided this statement: • The current privacy document changed name from “privacy policy” to “privacy notice” to ensure consistency with ICO terminology, to be […]

NABO News 2024

NABO News – Issue 6 of 2024: 4 Editorial 5 In the Chair 6 Our new Council member, Duncan Wright 7 Fly on the wall 8 A NABO appeal for help, NABO Welfare Officer’s report 9 Health, Upcoming meetings 10 Water transfer scheme 12 New advice for winter diesel storage 14 Mentions in The House […]


2020 Bulletin archive

January Bulletin Past events CRT Council Elections – your vote counts! Voting for public representatives to serve on CRT Council closes on 14th February. There are 34 candidates vying for the four Boaters’ Rep posts. If you haven’t voted yet, there is still time, so please put your x against Helen Hutt, NABO’s Treasurer, candidate […]
