BSS Boat Owners’ Survey – Last Chance to Take Part
The BSS Boat Owners’ Survey closes this week – Friday April 9th. If you have already completed the survey, thanks for taking part. If you haven’t yet participated in the survey, this is your last opportunity.It should take about 5-10 minutes to complete. You can do this on any device, but our recommendation is to use a […]
NABO News – our brilliant magazine!
NABO News has been published six times a year since shortly after NABO was formed in 1991. For many years, the cover featured the familiar NABO roundel, but in 2010 the Council decided to change to a full-colour cover of a waterway scene that would change with each issue. The following year, NABO’s 20th birthday, […]
The debate over the eco-toilet rolls on
– says enthusiast Helen Hutt. Let me firstly declare, I’m a fan of eco-toilets. As a continuous cruiser, I bought one in 2009. Every two months or so, I emptied my poo pot into a 10-litre paint tub with a tight-fitting lid until I could dispose of the contents, using a network of amenable farmers’ […]
NABO supports NBTA seeking to fund legal advice
NABO is supporting the National Bargee Travellers Association in its’ crowdfunding appeal to raise funds for obtaining a Legal Opinion regarding the proposed changes to the CRT Boat Licence Terms and Conditions. This appeal is now open for donations: Mike Rodd
East Midlands rep report: March 21
Peter Braley reports: On Thursday 25th March I attended via zoom the East Midlands Online Boaters Conference, hosted by CRT. This is the first of these online conferences I have attended and on the whole I found it interesting and quite informative. There is supposed to be a summary and minutes of the meeting being […]
CRT’s London strategy – NABO’s response
In this paper, NABO is responding to CRT’s recent consultation and Zoom meetings, seeking suggestions from boaters to further address congestion, principally in the London area. For several years, CRT sought views via the Boater Relationship Group and subsequently, when this collapsed, it facilitated meetings that resulted in the publication of its London Strategy document […]
Paper or electronic NABO News?
At its last meeting, NABO Council discussed the cost of printing and posting NABO News and a possible electronic version of the magazine. This would have a ‘page-flip’ feature so that it can be easily read on a computer or tablet screen. Opinions were divided between keeping the current printed format on the grounds that […]
Electric boats and mooring congestion
Mike Rodd describes just two of the issues facing NABO. I hope that some of you might be able to get out on your boats soon – it has been so frustrating and worrying, especially if your boat is not safe in a well-managed marina. I had to handle a report last week of a […]
“There is nothing – absolutely nothing – half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats.”
Editor, Peter Fellows, is hoping to be back on board this month. After what seems to have been an eternal winter, it’s good to see spring arriving again. Some members have used the latest lockdown to reflect on boating as it used to be: Stephen Peters looks back over 50 years to, among other boat […]
Current issues for NABO Council
Your Council holds regular meetings and interim discussions on policy matters and issues raised by members. These are some of the regular themes Regular pro active engagement with CRT senior management both at head office and in the regions. Challenging and reminding CRT that Navigation and the preservation of the canal heritage and infrastructure needs […]