NABO Terms & Conditions Terms and Conditions for use of web site and internet media, and of NABO Membership Website Agreement to Communicate Electronically In using this website or sending us email, you are communicating with NABO electronically. You consent to receive communications from us electronically subject to the Privacy Policy. We will communicate with you by email […]
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Benefits: Guidance Papers
We have prepared guidance papers on topics of interest to boaters including boat insurance, VHF radio requirements, ship registration, and fire safety. Others, including one on facilities for the disabled, are being prepared. Some of these are available to members on this site. Some are also available to prospective members on the website.
A range of benefits
We suppose ultimately that you can only really judge if it is going to be beneficial to you to be a member of NABO is if you join us! The main reason many have joined us over the years (we are 23 in 2014) is to help support a dedicated volunteer group (democratically elected – […]
Benefits: Email Bulletins
NABO keeps a confidential list of email addresses for members who wish to be kept in touch with issues, surveys and breaking news, using the immediacy of electronic communication.
Benefits: NABO News
Members receive six issues a year of NABO News – which often publishes “hot” waterway news before the national magazines.
Benefits: Sharing knowledge and representation
Members enjoy short channels of communication and easy access to NABO’s Council members and officers, without intervening layers of hierarchy. NABO has access to a wide range of experience and expertise in all aspects of boat ownership. Current Council has members drawn from boating sectors such as Shared Ownership’s, continuous cruising, bank-side based BW permanent moorings, […]
Sound Signals
Why is it that so many boaters don't know what the inland waterways sound signals are? If you don't, here they are. We suggest you keep a copy of these notes near your helm, especially on tidal waters used by commercial craft.
Waterways Contact Finder
Not sure which BW Waterway Unit to contact? Move your mouse over the map to select the relevant address.
NABO News 2012
Nabo News – Issue 6 of 2012: 5 Editorial 6 Chairman’s column News 7 NABO AGM, Licence fees, Breaches latest, That sinking feeling?, CRT and CCs, EU proposal on licences and red diesel, Mobile phone reception 12 Bottom too near the top? 15 Waterways Ombudsman, Canal Laureate 16 Crossword 17 Snippets from past […]