CRT consultation on changes to Liverpool Link 2015 season

CRT is considering changing the way that they manage the Leeds & Liverpool Canal from Hancock’s Swing Bridge to Stanley Locks. Unfortunately NABO was not formally advised about this, and indeed it does not appear on CRT’s website, but having discovered it was being undertaken, we would like to make a submission. CRT has extended […]

CRT consultation on the design of safety fences

Marple Aqueduct, on the Peak Forest Canal, is undergoing over half a million pounds worth of repair, conservation and access improvement work as part of the Heritage Lottery funded Revealing Oldknow’s Legacy project. The anticipated increase in visitor numbers following the improvements has led to a safety review of the Aqueduct that concluded additional measures […]

Meeting between the National Boating Associations and CRT.

Posted below are the notes of a meeting held at Milton Keynes on 3 November between the National Boating Associations and CRT. It has taken a month to get these minutes out because there are some fundamental differences between the views of some of the associations. NABO agreed that these should be published on the […]