Changes by CRT to Terms & Conditions of Private Boat Licences

We have been advised that CRT have  been working on changes to the Terms & Conditions (T&C’s) of private boat licences.  According to CRT these changes are being made to bring the T&C’s up to date and to clear up any ambiguities. ( See:files/8375-table-of-changes-to-boat-licence-terms-and-conditions-jan-2015.pdf ). We are alarmed by the seemingly large number of changes […]

Next generation waterway support – where will it come from?

The voluntary sector is currently giving much thought to how it needs to adapt to the ‘ageing’ society, whilst at the same time engaging younger audiences. The ways in which people use their leisure time in the future, gift their time to charities and connect to their communities will change. Is the waterway sector ready […]