On-Board Guide: Electrical Safety for Small Craft

An IET Guide covering the safety of DC and AC electrical systems in small craft navigating on UK inland waterways and surrounding sea areas Small craft have an ever-increasing amount of electrical equipment, systems, and associated power requirements. As a result, significantly more risks and safety concerns need to be considered in the design and […]
Waterways Ombudsman issues Annual Report

The Waterways Ombudsman and the Waterways Ombudsman Committee have issued their Annual Reports for 2023/24. The Ombudsman scheme deals with complaints about the Canal & River Trust and the Avon Navigation Trust, which are referred to the Ombudsman after completion of the Trusts’ own complaints process. This is the fifth and final annual report of […]
In the Chair

It’s May and the UK’s weather has taken a turn for the better. The day boats from the local boatyard have crew that are slightly less well wrapped up as they motor past. Hire boat businesses seem to be doing a better trade too, with boats from at least ten different bases regularly passing us […]
Time for change?
Editor John Sadler comments As I was thinking about writing this editorial the news broke of a general election in six weeks time. I suppose you can pretty much ignore what legislation may have been on the books until the result is declared. Parliament will be dissolved and much will be promised before our votes […]
CRT National Boat Count 2024
The Canal & River Trust’s National Boat Count, conducted in the spring each year, has seen a 1.4% drop in boat numbers on its network across England and Wales. It also saw a 1.2% increase in unlicensed boats, meaning licence compliance now stands at 91.8%. Nationally, 32,602 boats were recorded on the Trust’s enforceable […]
NABO taking payment with Stripe
We are pleased to announce that we are able to accept subscription and donation payments via the Stripe platform and any credit card. Stripe is a popular payment system that integrates with our membership system to collect subscriptions and automate the renewal process. PayPal remains available. You can make your choice on the payment page. […]
A Month of Meetings.
Chair Anne Husar reflects on the month Such is the lot of a chairperson as the calendar fills with some face to face but mainly online meetings these days. Convenient if chancy with the capricious wifi at our mooring, they remain a great way to maintain NABO’s reputation for keeping current boater issues on the […]
Money, Money, Money
Editor John Sadler on funding For anyone who read last month’s editorial it seems I might have put too much trust in the veracity of information published. A letter by Iain Street correcting some of the misconceptions is published in the letters section. It’s no surprise as I’m writing, accompanied by the gentle patter of […]
Seven Trent Water don’t want toilet blue.
Severn Trent Water, which operates many wastewater treatment plants in the Midlands, has started banning tankered elsan waste which contains formaldehyde. Other water companies are likely to follow. Boats with a pump out should have no need to add chemicals to their tank (unless it is a drop through). But the majority of boats, as […]
CRT Boater survey 2024
CRT have asked a third of boat licence holders to take part in this year’s survey. There’s no space to expand on the tick box questions or comment apart from a box at the beginning of the survey so please make good use there. New to the survey questions is the reference to the influence […]