Boater Reps’ Meeting with CRT

A report from boaters rep, Dave Mendes de Costa. Yesterday the boater representatives on the CRT Council met with Matthew Symmonds (National Boating Manager). Many thanks to everyone who sent me their thoughts. As expected, the main area of discussion was around Covid-19. The tone was positive, there seems to be a desire to support […]

The need for representation

Mike Rodd compares the attitudes of two navigation authorities. Although being on a boat is a good place to self-isolate, if you are not a liveaboard, going to your boat is no longer an option. If you are already on board, CRT and the EA are asking boaters to stop all travel on the waterways, […]

Stay safe

Editor, Peter Fellows, has a wide range of news in these uncertain times. Unsurprisingly, Covid-19 is foremost in most people’s minds and this is reflected in this issue. Mike Rodd has been attending EA and Thames User Group meetings on behalf of NABO. This is in addition to his many other jobs as Chair (such […]

COVID-19 News Boat Safety Scheme Examinations Temporary Suspension

COVID-19 News Boat Safety Scheme Examinations Temporary Suspension Following the most recent announcement from the Prime Minister regarding the UK’s response to the coronavirus crisis, the joint owners of the Boat Safety Scheme (BSS) are allowing a temporary extension to safety certificates for those craft requiring an examination in the period until the 14th April. […]

CRT latest on Coronavirus

CRT have said this tonight 23 March Following the most recent announcement from the Prime Minister regarding the UK’s response to the coronavirus crisis, we are asking leisure boaters to stop all non-essential travel. As a result, and to help those who live-aboard (along with those who would need to travel to their boat in […]

Toddbrook reports published

CRT have announced the publication of the two reports on the spliway failure at Toddbrook in 2019. They have said The Canal & River Trust welcomes the Government-commissioned Independent Reservoir Review report from Professor Balmforth which examines the cause of the damage to Toddbrook Reservoir last summer and makes recommendations for the improvement of reservoir […]

CRT response to coronavirus

CRT has provided their response to the virus, which for many of us is giving normal life a bit of a rest. The headline is that the canals remain open for use. Good news. See their web page here. For NABO, all representative meetings are being cancelled, but plans are being put in place for […]

Wales and South West

Both the K&A and the Mon & Brec have seen very welcome and extensive winter work, and on the K&A we were delighted to see that CRT is at last introducing so-called ‘composite’ lock gates – basically steel but with sacrificial wooden components. Both Canal Trusts have been working on these for some five years […]