Red diesel to remain on the inland waterways.
At the budget in March, the Chancellor of the Exchequer agreed that boaters can continue to use red diesel with the customary declarations on tax split. You may recall that the Treasury held a consultation at the end of 2020, and NABO responded as we reported in the October NN. We are delighted that the […]
BSS Boat Owners’ Survey – A Reminder to Take Part
The BSS Boat Owners’ Survey launched last week with with over 750 people taking part already. If you’ve already completed it, thanks but because the survey is completely anonymous, there is no way of knowing who has or has not completed the survey. If you haven’t yet had a chance to take part, then we’d really […]
Changes to six month CRT licence requirements.
There has recently been clarification from CRT regarding the distance CRT expects boaters to travel during the term of a six month licence and NABO notes that the guidance has changed. It used to be CRT’s policy that boaters issued with a reduced licence were still expected to cruise the 20 mile plus range that […]
BSS Boat Owners’ Survey – Invitation to Take Part
The Boat Safety Scheme Boat Owners’ Survey has launched today and is now live. This is your chance to give your views and we hope that you will take the time to participate in the survey. It should take about 5-10 minutes to complete. You can complete this on any device, but our recommendation is […]
Boat Owners’ BSS Survey – starts next week
The Boat Safety Scheme Boat Owners’ survey supported by NABO is due to launch next week on Monday March 15th. The BSS is keen to understand more about your opinions on some important issues related to boat ownership, safety and also collect ideas for what could be improved. The survey will be available for around […]
How the upcoming Boat Owners’ BSS Survey will work
We sent you a message recently announcing that the Boat Safety Scheme (BSS) has decided to carry out a survey amongst all Boat Owners, and this is strongly supported by NABO. There have been a few questions, so I thought I’d share some information about how the survey will work.
National Inland Navigation Forum (NINF) AGM & Meeting: 20th February 2021
A Zoom-based meeting of this valuable forum brought together representatives of NABO, RBOA, CBOA, DBA, TBA, HNBC, IWA, AWCC and the General Secretary, Michael Stimpson. The meeting agreed to reappoint Michael and thanked him for his valuable work over the past year. The finances were also reported on and with little expenditure on meetings, the […]
Boat Owners’ BSS Survey in March 2021
The Boat Safety Scheme (BSS) has decided to carry out an online survey of all boat owners. The survey will be live during March 2021. The purpose of the survey is to understand more about boat owners opinions on some important issues related to boat ownership, safety and also collect ideas for what could be […]
NABO News 2022
NABO News – Issue 6 of 2022: 4 Editorial 5 In the Chair 8 Fly on the Wall 10 Around the Regions: Anglian waterways. , East Midlands, Wales and the South West. 11 NABO News: NABO’s new Council 12 Meeting of APPGW 13 News: Anderton update 14 Winter work update, CRT exhibition to MPs 15 […]
Yorkshire & North East
Howard reports from the North East I took part in a Zoom forum in January, which is the first that the Y&NE have held. It was well attended with 42 participants, including a number of CRT managers. These managers were a mix of local and national, and included: Sean McGinley, Regional Director Yorks and North […]