Online subscription payment page

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Comments from a Continuous Cruiser

Dear NABO Council, Thank you for sending me your informative bulletins and the always excellent NABO News. Rarely do I comment on boating matters, but I do believe it is essential for all boaters to be members of NABO, particularly now that CRT are becoming more aggressive regarding cruising distances, especially with regard to boaters […]

The continuing continuous cruising enforcement saga

CRT announced today that it will be taking action on the substantial number of boaters whose licences have been granted under the condition that, as they don’t have a home mooring, they will continuously cruise and are therefore required to be “bona fide navigating” and also not to remain in any one “place” for more […]

‘Disastrous’ EA Report

Another ‘Disastrous’ EA Report Louis Jankel reports on the ongoing saga of Thames lock-keepers Since 2008, the Environment Agency has been toying with the concept of replacing River Thames residential lock- and weir-keepers with ‘runners’. The justification is that the EA thinks it can save lots of money by letting out the cottages. After much […]

Don’t burn damp logs

Don’t burn damp logs – new advice from the Boat Safety Scheme Boaters using damp wood and logs in their stoves could risk increased costs, stove damage and carbon monoxide poisoning. To burn effectively, wood needs to be dried out, or seasoned, to a maximum of 15-20% water content. A fresh 1kg log with 60% […]

Northmoor Weir

Northmoor Weir Dennis Hill gives abrief summary of the battle to save the last Paddle and Rymer weir on the Thames. Back in 2010, the EA proposed to replace the Paddle and Rymer weir, which has been manned by professional lock staff since 1896, with motorised gates. The Agency was worried that their lock-keepers risked […]