BSS Examination COVID-19 suspension lifted
Boat Safety Scheme (BSS) Examinations, suspended in the COVID-19 related lockdown, have now resumed for most boat owners, but they will happen in a ‘new normal’ framework based on the latest Government guidance. Following the UK Government request that those who cannot work from home, should restart work where possible, the BSS has lifted the […]
Thames Recreational Powered Boating Organisations Agree To Joint Action
Five organisations representing recreational powered craft users on the non-tidal Thames have agreed to join forces to encourage greater engagement and co-operation with the Environment Agency who are responsible for managing the waterway. The Association of Thames Yacht Clubs (ATYC), DBA -The Barge Association (DBA), the National Association of Boat Owners (NABO), the Residential Boat Owners’ […]
Meeting of All Party Parliamentary Group for the Waterways: May 2020
A meeting of the APPWG was held on Thursday 14th May using the Zoom videoconferencing facility. NABO attended as observers – the norm for such meetings. This well “attended” meeting was chaired by the APPWG’ s Chairman, Michael Fabricant, and very appropriately focused on the need for dedicated financial support for waterways businesses.
Yet More on CO
David Fletcher has news of a study to monitor CO in boats. Carbon monoxide (CO) continues to kill several boaters every year. The BSS requirement for alarms was introduced last year, accompanied by a significant press campaign, but there continue to be incidents, and the number of boats failing examination on this point continues to […]
North West April 2020
I am at Appley Bridge, a suburb of Wigan on the east Lancashire border. There have been signs put up about the limited use of the canal towpath close to me. They have had little effect on towpath footfall as, in my estimation, there is a three- to four-fold increase in its use. A policeman […]
Wales and the South West April 2020
With many boaters safely self-isolating, there is little movement on the canals. It was reported that there were scores of dead fish spotted in the Kennet & Avon in Devizes. The EA said the coronavirus lockdown has resulted in a drop in traffic and activity on the canal, and this has created a series of […]
Meeting with CRT’s Head of Boating
Mike Rodd and Mark Tizard have a catch-up call with Matthew Symonds, CRT’s Head of Boating, joined by his deputy, Rachel Haywood. The main points to emerge were as follows:
Open Letter to Richard Parry
Dear Richard. Following NABO’s recent Council meeting, I have been asked to write to you to raise the following concerns: we appreciate the efforts that CRT is now making to limit the use of the towpath for exercise, specifically in areas where there are moored boats, but we feel more needs to be done. We […]
Mindful of the needs of others
Mike Rodd considers some effects of the pandemic. Like many of our members in self-isolation at home and unable to travel to our boats, it has really come home to us how much the canals and rivers are an essential part of our lives. It also reminds us how precious these waterways are, and how […]
Mostly, but not all about Coronavirus
Editor, Peter Fellows, has news of other developments, even though little is happening on the waterways. The ramifications of the Coronavirus lockdown have dominated the waterway news for nearly eight weeks at the time of writing and these are widely reflected in this issue. CRT’s decision not to close towpaths to visitors initially caused an […]