Geoffrey Rogerson
NABO is deeply saddened by the loss of its long-term legal advisor and council member, Geoffrey Rogerson, who passed away on the 3rd August after several years of illnesses. He was known as a gentle gentleman by all who met him, with great pride in his own family, and respected by all. But […]
Back on board, but…..
Chair, Mike Rodd is enjoying cruising again, despite the lack of maintenance and e-scooters. Boating at last! For many of us, it was a great joy to be able to get back boating again and for me also to resume being a Boatmaster for the K&A Canal Trust’s trip-boat, the ‘Rose of Hungerford’. Given that […]
Hammersmith Bridge closed to navigation.
In August, the foot and cycle access over the bridge was closed after the summer heat wave made cracks in the cast iron supports deteriorate. Because the risk is of sudden collapse, all navigation on the Thames is closed under the bridge as well. The 133-year-old cast iron suspension bridge in west London was […]
Toddbrook rebuild latest
The Canal and River Trust have made known details of their alternative overflow solutions to the dam construction. It was the overflow ‘spillway’ feature that failed during heavy weather in 2019. The proposals would restore the dam face to grassy slope with overflow provided in new channels to the River Goyt. A consultation process has […]
In praise of the coal boats
Mark Tizard celebrates their essential service to boaters. As a boater with some 35 years’ experience, I have never known a situation where coal boats have been so essential. Whilst all around them movements ground to a halt and marinas closed as the pandemic tightened its grip, it’s the coal boats that kept the system […]
APPGW meeting
A meeting of the APPWG was held on 14th May using the Zoom videoconferencing facility. NABO attended as observers – the norm for such meetings. This well-attended meeting was chaired by the APPWG’s Chairman, Michael Fabricant, and very appropriately focused on the need for dedicated financial support for waterways businesses. The lead speaker was Paul […]
Hard times ahead?
Chair, Mike Rodd is concerned by what he sees in his crystal ball. In these strange times that we’re living in, our thoughts and prayers are with those tragically affected by Covid-19 and we feel for those who have lost a family member, friend or colleague, or whose livelihood or mental health has been seriously […]
Back cruising again this summer
Editor, Peter Fellows, reflects on the effects of the lockdown. As this issue of NABO News was being prepared, CRT and the EA announced the resumption of boating on July 4th in England and July 6th in Wales. No-one believes that everything will go back to ‘normal’, but it is too early to tell what […]
North East, Yorkshire & Humberside
Not a lot of positive news to report for obvious reasons, and all local waterways are very quiet. However, the local waterways are starting to attract walkers once more since the exercise rules were relaxed, but no boating, even if it was allowed, because of canal closures caused by low water levels. Pocklington Canal. Covid-19 […]
Letter to EA: Lifting restrictions to recreational powered craft boating on the Thames
Further to our earlier email we now write with our thoughts regarding how best to commence lifting restrictions to recreational powered craft boating on the Thames.