Response to Thames Moorings Management Proposed Signage
NABO joined with DBA (The Barge Association) and RBOA (The Residential Boat Owners Association) in the following submission to EA in response to the request for comment on the proposed signage to appear at EA’s Thames short term mooring sites. “Thank you for a last minute opportunity to comment on the intended signage and the […]
Take the lessons from the death from carbon monoxide poisoning of two friends in York
Following the deaths of two friends from carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning in a boat called Diversion in York in December 2019, the Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB) has published a safety flyer with the lessons learnt from its initial findings and the Boat Safety Scheme is urging boaters to read it and adopt the safety […]
National Inland Navigation Forum (NINF) meeting: 17th October 2020
A Zoom-based meeting of this valuable forum brought together representatives of NABO, RBOA, CBOA, DBA,TBA, HNBC and the General Secretary, Michael Stimpson. As always, the meeting gave us an opportunity to share our views on a number of key issues. Being largely London focused, the first discussion related to CRT’s request for input on the […]
Thames Navigation Users Forum: 20 October 2020
This online meeting of TNUF was, rather like the recent NNUF (previously reported on), yet another example of how not to use the available technology – in this case a voice only system was used, with most users being muted until being asked if they had any queries following EA presentations. Those who said they […]
Urgent: CRT licence terms and conditions
Updated 30 November 2020 You should have recently received an email from CRT with a link to a consultation for a proposal to further change the licence terms and conditions. We encourage you to complete the consultation. If you do not have the CRT email, the web page can be found here. It is now […]
National Navigation Users Forum 6 October 2020
This online meeting of NNUF proved to be somewhat difficult as only a few of the attendees were able to make full use of the available video conference tools. Most attendees were limited to a phone-in link with only a few of the 30+ attendees being able to sign into the full conference facilities. (I […]
CRT Council – Boater rep Helen Hutt reports.
This is a snapshot notes from the online CRT Council Meeting on 23 September 2020. Complete Minutes will be available in a week or so at
HM Treasury consultation on white vs red diesel
The consultation on the proposed imposition of white diesel for propulsion on waterways closes on the 1st October. NABO has now responded and the document is here. Needless to say we have objected to everything they propose, which we see as flawed at every turn. It is the same message we have been giving for […]
Fuel for solid-fuel stoves
DEFRA has published its intentions over solid fuels, coal and wood, which are proposed to become the Air Quality (Domestic Solid Fuels Standards) (England) Regulations 2020, coming into force on 1st May 2021. The legislation will need to be debated in both Houses of Parliament before it comes into force, but the dates for these debates […]
CRT winter moorings
Moorings will be available to purchase for one, two, three or four months from 1st November 2020 until 28th February 2021. Permits will go on sale from 1st October on a first-come, first-served basis. There are seven price bands, based on several factors including; The pricing of nearby moorings; The location of the mooring site; The […]