Canals and transatlantic slavery

In spring 2020, the Black Lives Matter movement spurred CRT into commissioning Dr Jodie Matthews, Honorary Research Fellow at the University of Huddersfield, to undertake literature research into people who had made their wealth through the slave trade and invested the profits in canal building. She also investigated canals that were built specifically to carry […]

London mooring survey

CRT is asking waterway users for ideas on how to address perceived problems caused by large numbers of boats moored on some of London’s waterways, particularly the Paddington Arm, Regent’s Canal, Hertford Union Canal, Limehouse Cut and the Lee Navigation. Since October, it has been holding Zoom virtual consultation meetings to hear ideas and answer questions. The remaining meetings are to […]

Thames Navigation Users Forum

The online meeting of TNUF in October was, rather like the recent NNUF meeting, yet another example of how not to use the available technology – in this case a voice-only system was used, with most users being muted until being asked if they had any queries, following the EA presentations. Those who said they […]

Virtual news from CRT

At a short, combined CRT Council and AGM in November, last year’s annual report and accounts were accepted. Topics of particular note included: Application for renewal of the Defra Grant – which accounts for about a quarter of CRT’s income – will be submitted on 6th December; whilst the Government is under no obligation to […]

Boating during lockdown

At our last Council meeting, I was asked to give some guidance to boaters on the present virus situation, in which, at the time of writing, England is in lockdown. Previously, there have been different levels, depending on your area, with England having a Tier 1, 2 or 3 level of precaution and Wales in […]

Editorial December 2020

Editor, Peter Fellows, looks at what might be in store for a rejuvenated NABO Council next year. Following appeals for more members to help with NABO, the Council is delighted to welcome three new members: Anne Husar, who will take on the role of Publicity and Communications Officer; Peter Braybrook, who will also be the […]