East Midlands report
Not a great deal to report, as all our movements are currently restricted to only the strictly necessary by the Covid regulations. But in line with Government’s instructions on daily exercise and CRT’s desire that that exercise should take place on the towpaths, they certainly appear to be very busy with runners and cyclists, as […]
Waterways Chaplaincy
Peter Braybrook explains how this organisation helps boaters in need. The Waterways Chaplaincy is a growing network of around 100 volunteers serving the Inland Waterways from York to Woking and Llangollen to the Wash. Wherever you are, you can contact a chaplain through the website contact form at www.waterwayschaplaincy.org.uk/contact-us. I am based in Banbury on […]
The waterways and ‘building back better’
Helen Hutt reports on a Zoom meeting of The All-Party Parliamentary Group for the Waterways in December. This was my first experience of the APPWG and it was more interesting than anticipated! Chaired by Michael Fabricant MP, there were three good presentations from Richard Parry, CRT; Adrian Main, Avon Navigation Trust; and John Packham, Broads […]
Lockdown guidance
Following the Government’s announcement on 4th January of a national lockdown for England, the EA issued the following updated guidance for boaters: All navigation on EA waterways should be limited to essential travel only. Travel on waterways and overnight stays are only permitted where the boat is your permanent residence or it is necessary for […]
A time of change
A time of change – from navigation authorities to electric boating, Mike Rodd sees a busy year ahead for NABO. Well, at least we did have some time, pre-Christmas, to get out on our boats before the next full lockdown took over. Ours being down in South Wales means that we are continually caught by […]
Lockdown blues
Editor, Peter Fellows, has spotted inconsistencies in the way that boaters are being treated. Despite it being midwinter with a national lockdown in place – or on reflection, perhaps because of this – I’ve received a bountiful crop of contributions for this issue. Clearly, people are thinking about boating even though they are unable to […]
NABO News 2020
Nabo News – Issue 6 of 2020: 4 Editorial 5 In the Chair : Chairman’s report to the AGM 9 Fly on the wall 11 New NABO Council members 12 News: Boating in lockdown 13 User Groups: Thames User Forum, APPWG: Alternative power sources for boats 14 CRT licence terms and conditions. 16 Boater reputation […]
Covid Vaccinations and general medical support.
If you are a continuous cruiser and concerned about accessing a covid vaccination, contact your local doctor’s surgery and ask for advice. If they do not want to register you as a temporary patient show them this photograph. We will shortly have a supply of these cards […]
NABO response to CRT’s consultation on congestion in London
In this paper, NABO is responding to CRT’s recent consultation and Zoom meetings, seeking suggestions from boaters to further address congestion, principally in the London area. For several years, CRT sought views via the Boater Relationship Group and subsequently, when this collapsed, it facilitated meetings that resulted in the publication of its London Strategy document […]
Management of Thames Moorings by Third Party Contractors
Thames Recreational Powered Boating Organisations, including the Association of Thames Yacht Clubs, the Dutch Barge Association, the Residential Boat Owners’ Association, the Thames Motor Boaters Association and NABO, have expressed their deep concern about the proposed management of Thames moorings by third party contractors and have now found it necessary to issue the following advisory […]