Changes afoot

Editorial Changes afoot Peter Fellows on upcoming proposals for the BSS and main navigation authorities. I, like all NABO Councillors, was shocked to hear from John Devonald that he is seriously ill. He has stepped down from his roles with NABO and we all offer him our best wishes. The future of CRT and the […]

BSS consultation on two new examination requirements

A public consultation by the Boat Safety Scheme (BSS) on proposals within a clarified and improved set of BSS Examination Checking Procedures (ECP) opened today Monday 7 March and will run to Tuesday 31 May 2022 and is available on its website The revisions to the BSS ECP are the product of many months […]

CRT privacy issues

CRT privacy issues In December 2020, while the terms and conditions consultation was in progress, we reviewed the privacy documents and made a submission on our concerns. They were numerous, but three stood out: the first was readability; the second was that the documents were obviously written at different times, so they did not link […]

Crick Boat Show

Crick Boat Show Advance tickets are now on sale for the 2022 Crick Boat Show, saving up to 15% on the entry price. The event will be held across the Bank Holiday weekend celebrating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee (3rd – 5th June), with an extra ‘Trade & Preview Day’ on Thursday 2nd June. The Preview […]

Wales & South West

Wales & South West A very busy few months for CRT on both the K&A and the Mon & Brec, with some planned winter work having to be re-scheduled when a massive breach in the K&A occurred at the eastern end. This required an extensive operation to re-establish the bank, and also to create an […]

2022 will be a significant year

Editorial Peter Fellows outlines some important issues that are expected to feature this year. As Mike Rodd points out in his Chairman’s column, 2022 is an important year for the future of the waterways, with the Defra review of CRT funding underway as well as the (ongoing and seemingly continuous) reorganisation within the EA navigation […]

Basic antifreeze maintenance for your engine

John Devonald has some tips on a topic rarely considered. This short article is really one I should have written before winter set in, but I am still getting queries from people about issues they are having with their cooling systems. Here are a few points and tips to, hopefully, help anyone who is unsure […]