AGM discussion 2015

What should CRT’s priorities be for 2016? Mark Tizard summarises the members’ discussions at the AGM The consensus was that members were very supportive of NABO continuing to hold CRT to account on areas of strategic policy such as enforcement, moorings, BSS and the legality of the terms and conditions. However from the perspective of […]

NABO News 6 2015 Editorial

I’ve been laid up learning how to walk again since September, so I have no personal experiences of what’s been happening recently on the waterways. However, lots of correspondence from NABO members and Council members suggests that the EA should become more of a focus for our association’s attention. The recent court case seems (without […]


The NABO AGM is on Saturday 14th November at the Wolverhampton Boat Club, Barnhurst Lane, Bilbrook, Wolverhampton, WV8 1RS (by boat it is on the Shropshire Union Canal, about one mile up from Autherley Junction). We will start at 10.30 am with the AGM formal business, followed by a presentation and discussion. After a light […]

Network Rail consult on upgrades through Bletchley

The scheme is known as East West Rail Western Section Phase 2 Network Rail’s plan is to develop a proposal to upgrade and reconstruct existing, and mothballed (no longer in use) sections of track linking Bedford-Bicester and Milton Keynes-Princes Risborough.  What will the scheme deliver? New journey opportunities for passengers between Bedford and Bicester, new […]

Brief Report on the CRT National Users Forum: Wednesday 9th September 2015

As usual this was held at The Bond in Birmingham, and this 6-monthly meeting was well attended by representatives of 24 boating and canal-related organisations. As has become the norm now, the meeting was essentially a platform for CRT to update the various organisations, with relatively little follow-up discussion. The networking, though, is valuable.