Online subscription payment page

If you are wanting to join and have not made an application, please go here first:

If you have done this, then thank you for registering your application with us. You data is saved and safe and we have been informed of your application. All that remains is to pay your subscription.

This pages provides the opportunity to do this by Credit card via Stripe, or by PayPal. Please avoid using payPal if at all possible. It is the most expensive for us.

If you prefer to pay by direct bank transfer or standing order, please email us on and we will provide details.

For Stripe payments go here:

For PayPal please use the tabs below. This area allows you to make the membership category that you require. Click Add to Cart when done. We will then link this with your application. If you have used a different email for this payment, please tell us.

Membership Payments
Name of main member

Donation or top up payment










This part is for testing only, please do not use

Testing payments