Canal Closures

NABO wants waterway closures and restrictions to be minimised. Too often canals are closed for long periods and inadequate notice is given of stoppages and restrictions. NABO is represented at the National Stoppages meeting and its Regional Secretaries monitor planned closures and argue the case for more opening periods, better synchronisation and longer advanced notice.

OA Waterways Condition Survey

Two surveys initiated by the National Association of Boaters (NABO) have concluded that boaters are generally inclined to be positive about the state of inland waterways managed by Agencies other than British Waterways (BW), but feel negative about the canals and rivers run by BW.

Navigation Authority Accountability

NABO’s campaign for an Independent Waterways Regulator for all waterways, has added significantly to BW’s resolve to overhaul their complaints and consultation procedures and produce a statement of intent document titled ‘Openness and Accountability’.

The Future of Navigation

The Future of Navigation NABO was consulted by the Department of the Environment over the future of navigation under two major UK inland navigation authorities – the Environment Agency and British Waterways. NABO recommended, and continues to urge, greater liaison and co-ordination between the different waterway authorities.