CRT launch customer service facility minimum standards consultation

We have heard from CRT that they have launched the first stage of their consultation on customer service facilities (CSF). This consultation is focused on helping agree a minimum standard of CSF that the Trust will provide. The standard will include; The type of facilities that would be considered the minimum standard of essential and […]

NABO meeting with CRT August 2022

Mike Rodd and Anne Husar met with Matthew Symonds and the new National Boating Officer, Eleanor Bridgwood-Hill, on Wednesday 24th August for their regular catch-up meeting.  Key issues at this session were… The boat licence increase – CRT are predicting a £7m shortfall but assured us that the published winter programme would go ahead in […]

CRT launches first ‘BOATER CENSUS’

The Canal & River Trust is launching the first ever Boater Census and is asking every boat licence holder to take part and help paint a picture of who boats on the charity’s waterways. The Boater Census has been designed with input from boater representatives on the Trust’s Council to help understand the different needs […]

Energy support scheme.

The Government’s much publicised £400 Energy Support Scheme has so far not been available to boaters or other off grid users. It is administered though the energy providers. If you have no domestic electricity or gas supply, then you don’t get it. There has been a campaign to include off-grid households.  It is obviously discriminatory […]