Is there a need for a CRT welfare manager?

Recently CRT legally removed a boat from its waters using the section 8 process and in so doing effectively made a mentally ill boater homeless. This is a pretty provocative statement and feelings around this event recently ran high on the boating forums and web journals. In short order a petition asking CRT to stop […]

NABO Comments on the CRT’s Towpath Mooring Project

A Recent Press release from NABO stated :-  NABO welcomes the recent changes to CRT’s communication strategy as recently announced by CEO Richard Parry and the recent project update issued by Sally Ash Head of Boating.   It is to be welcomed that after the recent flawed SE Visitor Mooring Consultation and subsequent workshops that CRT […]

NABO News Editorial December 2013

A breath of fresh air Those members who were unable to attend the AGM in November missed a real treat. Not only an interesting and enjoyable presenta­tion from Adam Comerford, CRT’s Group Hydrology Manager, but also an opportunity to feed our opinions into proposals for new water man­agement strategy. Richard Parry, CRT’s new Chief Executive, […]

Trouble on t’Thames

Louis Jankel reports on lost opportunities at the EA In September I attended the Thames Navigation Users’ Forum (TNUF), representing the interests of NABO members. In that capacity I have been attending these quarterly meetings and those of its predecessor, the Waterways Working Group, for almost 10 years. The members of TNUF represent all aspects […]