In the Chair September 2018

Getting to know you Stella Ridgway looks back over five years of engagement with CRT. As the CRT Annual General Meeting is coming up, I thought I would reflect on the last year and, indeed, the five years since I started attending these AGMs. The Trust started out with Richard Parry going to boaters’ forums, […]

NABO News Editorial September 2018

Consultations, breaches and closures but Editor, Peter Fellows, also notes some wonderful weather and meaningful meetings There’s been a lot happening on the waterways since the last NABO News in July. The summer’s weather has allowed marvellous cruising, but the high temperatures and prolonged drought have also caused problems for CRT’s water management. An article […]

Consultation on proposed BSS requirements for carbon monoxide alarms on boats

A public consultation on a proposal to introduce mandatory new Boat Safety Scheme (BSS) Requirements for carbon monoxide (CO) alarms on boats opens today Friday 17 August and will run to Friday 9 November 2018. The suggested change sees a fundamental shift recognising that CO poisoning, a silent unseen killer, could affect boat owners and crews […]

NABO Responds to EA Navigation Charges Consultation

NABO has responded strongly to the proposal to increase Registrations Charges. “Whilst we accepted that the above-inflation increases introduced over the past year was acceptable (given that there had not been an increase for some years) we strongly believe that only a direct- inflation-based increase can be introduced across all EA waters. The proposal for […]

Fraenkel Report 1975

This report, for the Department of the Environment, was a catalyst for some early projects, such as the restoration of 39 locks on the Kennet and Avon canal and the restoration of the Avoncliff aqueduct, which Peter Fraenkel and Partners (PFP) carried out. The Frankel Report was placed in the public domain by CRT in […]


Boaters on EA waterways facing massive increases.

Boaters on waters controlled by the Environment Agency (EA) are facing well above inflation increases in boat registration fees. The EA are consulting their boating customers and other interested and affected parties on proposals for boat registration charges on Environment Agency waterways for 2019 to 2020 and 2020 to 2021. The charging proposals they are […]

Choose the right CO alarm – or die!

Following media reports this June about non-working imported carbon monoxide (CO) alarms sold on internet shopping sites, the Boat Safety Scheme (BSS) is cautioning boaters, that choosing the right CO alarm is an especially critical decision as boats can fill in minutes, sometimes seconds, with lethal levels of the highly toxic gas.

If only the trust would listen

If only the trust would listen Stella Ridgeway responds to the letter to boaters from Richard Parry Why is it boaters feel so disenfranchised by CRT? Why is it that CRT staff, who are paid to enrol people on the towpath as Friends, now don’t bother to approach boaters? The constant PR push over the […]

All change at CRT

All change at CRT with new Regional Directors   CRT’s new regional structure was put in place on 4th June and the following Regional Directors have been appointed: London & South East – Ros Daniels. She has extensive experience of the heritage and tourism sector, most recently as Head of Historic Properties, London at English […]