CRT’s 2021 Annual Lockage Report

2021 Annual Lockage Report After Covid restrictions were lifted, most places recorded lockage counts that were close to pre-pandemic levels, although there was little boating in the first four months of 2021. Using 178 comparison sites, the report shows a 39.4% increase in total lockage from 2020 to 2021*. The estimated total lockage of all […]

Winter moorings 21-21

This year, CRT’s winter moorings are divided into eight price bands that reflect each site’s relative attractiveness (location and nearby facilities), level of demand and pricing in line with long-term moorings and private mooring operators. The order has been reversed with Band 1 being the lowest priced and Band 8 the highest. Compared to last […]

Letter to members – CRT’s T&Cs

Anne Husar finds key issues not consulted on, which could negatively impact boaters. As many of you will be aware, there has recently been yet another revision of CRT’s Terms and Conditions (T&C’s) for private boaters. This latest publication follows their admission of ‘errors’ in previous drafts which has now led to two of the […]

A blow-by-blow account of the terms

In mid-2020, CRT commenced a consultation on the private boat licence terms and conditions. They did not invite comment on the whole document, but limited the consultation to nine items of change. NABO made three submissions: on the consultation; on the privacy policy and a third on the readability of the terms and privacy documents. […]

Disabled boaters’ forum

Ken Hylins reports on the meeting on 12th April. I attended this meeting for the first time with an open mind as to what to expect. There were seven people in the Zoom meeting: Matthew Symonds (Chairing) and Rachel Heywood from CRT, a waterway chaplain and other people with an interest in this matter. The […]

Lockdown lock use

– CRT’s annual lockage report for 2020 The headline figure, comparing 2020’s lock use with the previous year, is that there was a reduction of almost 33% across 172 comparison sites. In the week before the first lockdown in March, there were some 3,500 weekly lock counts, which fell to fewer than 1,000 during lockdown. From early […]