NABO Responds to CRT’s Auction of Towpath Moorings Consultation

The National Association of Boat Owners (NABO) discussed this at the recent meeting of NABO Council and reviewed earlier submissions . The overwhelming  answer to the  question "Has anything changed since we previously responded to British Waterways on their proposal to auction long term moorings" was NO!

NABO Responds to Water Resources Strategy Consultation

NABO wishes to congratulate CRT on both the approach to, and contents of, this very fine and pioneering strategy-development exercise. The process of consulting the prime users of the waterways is exemplary and the proposals made are well-supported by evidence-based analysis and the use of best practice engineering techniques.

Visitor Moorings: Help us collate the changes

At the end of March this year the boating associations held a meeting with CRT to discuss mooring strategy. It was agreed that there was a need for evidence-based data gathering before further changes were made to Visitor Moorings. Richard Parry agreed and instructed Sally Ash that no more changes should be made to visitor […]