NABO meets CRT

NABO meets CRT Mark Tizard reports on a recent meeting with CRT’s Head of Customer Services. On Wednesday 29 April, Mike Rodd and I met with Ian Rogers and we had a good, open exchange of views. Slightly tongue-in-cheek, we opened the meeting by thanking CRT for contributing to a surge in new members over […]

NABO’s submission on CRT’s Private Boaters’ Licence Terms and Conditions

NABO has submitted a full response to CRT’s intended T&C's, taking into consideration their previous response to our initial submission.  NABO understands that CRT will go ahead with these new T&C's from the 1st May 2105 but, given the up-swell of feelings from our members (and indeed, the droves of non-members who have contacted us), […]