Calor gas small bottles.

Calor Gas have announced that they will now continue to refill the small 4.5kg butane and equivalent propane but only as long as the existing fleet of bottles remains serviceable. They will only be available at distribution centers, i.e., not at marinas. You can see the the announcement here. (Calor have deleted the link […]

Talk to your MP now!

In the Chair March 2023 By the time you read this, we hope that there might just be some clarity about the future funding of both CRT and the Waterways part of the EA – I say “we hope” as it has all been so delayed, and the opinion being expressed in both organisations is […]

Reviving the Dead Dog

The Canal & River Trust has this week started a £533,000 ten-week project to repair the Grade II Listed Interchange Basin Towpath Bridge on the Regent’s Canal in Camden. Built in 1846, the historic bridge known locally as ‘Dead Dog bridge’, is an important local landmark carrying the Regent’s Canal towpath across the canal basin […]

Possible Funding from Water Transfer

Cotswold Canals Water Transfer Scheme Proposals are underway to secure the nation’s water resources for the future. Among the various regional groups, Water Resources South East (WRSE), an alliance of the six water companies that supply drinking water across London and the South East of England, have now submitted draft proposals for addressing the region’s […]

In the Chair Report 2023

I must start by welcoming our new NABO News Editor, John Sadler, who has bravely stepped forward to take over from Peter Fellows, who is leaving the waterways and decamping to live in Ireland! And what a hard act he will be to follow – each year, Peter has somehow managed to develop NABO News […]

…it’s hello from me

What a time to take up the challenge of editor! Following an experienced editor of many years, I have a lot to learn, not least hundreds of new acronyms. At first sight there seems to be innumerable committees and guidance groups, each with their own agenda and abbreviations. I have some experience of inland boating […]

Disabled boaters forum report – information about services

We see the minutes of the forum meeting held on Wednesday 22nd December. These include the first update we have seen on the recent facilities consultation. This says: Based on these results, we are proposing to include water, waste and recycling, Elsan andpump-out in the minimum provision. There will be a maximum 5-hour cruising time […]