Wales and the South West
A very positive meeting at the Crofton Pumping Station was held with Mark Evans, recently appointed as the Waterways Director. I emphasised how pleased NABO was, and indeed most boaters were, that Mark was now in this position, especially as he would be building on his previous excellent work running the K&A & B&T. Mark […]
Bridgwater tidal barrier consultation
Mike Rodd responds to DEFRA for NABO. ‘Having studied the submission prepared by the Inland Waterways Association, NABO supports its objections to the proposed order as follows: Land is required within the decommissioned bypass channel for the future construction of a lock to mitigate the impact of the tidal barrier; Navigation over its lifetime has […]
The need for representation
Mike Rodd compares the attitudes of two navigation authorities. Although being on a boat is a good place to self-isolate, if you are not a liveaboard, going to your boat is no longer an option. If you are already on board, CRT and the EA are asking boaters to stop all travel on the waterways, […]
Stay safe
Editor, Peter Fellows, has a wide range of news in these uncertain times. Unsurprisingly, Covid-19 is foremost in most people’s minds and this is reflected in this issue. Mike Rodd has been attending EA and Thames User Group meetings on behalf of NABO. This is in addition to his many other jobs as Chair (such […]
CRT response to coronavirus
CRT has provided their response to the virus, which for many of us is giving normal life a bit of a rest. The headline is that the canals remain open for use. Good news. See their web page here. For NABO, all representative meetings are being cancelled, but plans are being put in place for […]
Wales and South West
Both the K&A and the Mon & Brec have seen very welcome and extensive winter work, and on the K&A we were delighted to see that CRT is at last introducing so-called ‘composite’ lock gates – basically steel but with sacrificial wooden components. Both Canal Trusts have been working on these for some five years […]
A qualified pat on the back
A qualified pat on the back Mark Tizard digs into the detail of CRT’s first monthly waterway experience survey. CRT recently published the headline results of its new Waterway Experience Survey, distributed monthly between April and September to a sample of boaters sighted in each waterway region, to get their feedback on the waterways they […]
Toddbrook Reservoir update
In January, CRT started work to enhance the resilience of the dam wall and spillway. This will be followed later in the year by improvements to the Todd Brook inlet channel at the head of the reservoir to provide more control over how much water flows into the reservoir, or around it via a bypass channel […]
Challenges in the year ahead
Challenges in the year ahead Mike Rodd considers NABO’s priorities and the way forward. Coming back into the NABO chair at this time in the history of our waterways is far more formidable that it might seem – the challenges that face us are by no means simple. The next few years will be critical […]
Editorial, Feb 2020
Gently down the stream Editor Peter Fellows sees rivers featuring prominently in this issue. Since the last issue, NABO Council members have had a series of meetings with senior CRT staff and it is refreshing to note that the dialogue has improved since 12 months ago when, as Mike Rodd says in his Chair’s column: […]