NABO terms and privacy

Last year we reviewed the NABO Constitution and this resulted in an update at the 2023 AGM. This year we have reviewed the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy document that go with the Constitution. These have not been looked at for some time. It is important that the documents are consistent and reflect the way in which the Association is managed. You will recall that we asked members recently for comments on these documents, and no comments have been forthcoming.

We now make the new drafts avaiaainle herewith with comments on the changes. We provide new revised test and markup showing the changes. The documents have all beee n checked for readability. They will be proposed for adoption at the 2024 AGM.

Terms and Conditions: There was some duplication of statements so these are amended. There are some minor changes about communications and these reflect the move our current post covid practice for electronic communications. We will always support our long standing members who do not have access to electronic systems.

Privacy policy: This has been unchanged since the law changed in 2018. We have learnt a lot in this time and there is also much more experience for clubs like ourselves. Previously we have asked for your specific agreement to the privacy policy and maintained the records of this.

We now propose to change this consent to one of “legitimate interest” as the basis of consent. This means that if you join or renew, then you expect the club to keep your details and use them to communicate. If you don’t want this, then don’t join. Many clubs operate under legitimate interest and although more onerous for the Association legally, it is much less work for administration. No applicant of member has ever objected or refused agreement to the Privacy Policy. The alternative would be a major task to revalidate and record the agreement, a task that has little value and a lot of hassle chasing members. All the required legal commitments remain in place including the promise not to sell or share the membership list with others.

We now require that all new members provide and maintain a valid email address.

There are some minor edits about communications to match T&Cs

Finally, as always we welcome comments and input to these documents.

NABO Privacy Policy 2024 – proposed

NABO Terms and Conditions 2024 – proposed

NABO Privacy Policy 2024 – mark up

NABO Terms and Conditions 2024 – mark up

Legitimate Interest Test