Nominations open for boater’s representatives on CRT Council

Boaters are being asked to stand for election for the CRT Council. Nominations opened on 12 December.

NABO regards this as a very important step in representation of users in the management of the CRT. There are many uncertainties about the CRT, but that is not a reason to miss a chance to engage at every level of the management of our principle inland waterways navigation
authority. NABO is very pleased that Stephen Peters, long term NABO Council member and Treasurer, has agreed to stand for the election.

The initial number of Council Members will be 35, four of which will be elected by private boaters, with one vote per licence (shared ownership boats will only have one vote). Two more will be elected by boating businesses and one person will be nominated by the British Canoe Union. Although the trustees will be responsible for policy and strategy, the Council will be the guardian of the longterm values and purposes of the CRT. It will have a role in helping to shape policy, raising and debating issues, and providing guidance, perspective and a sounding board for trustees. It will also have the power to appoint or dismiss trustees.
Members of the Council will bring the experience and perspective of the constituency they represent and provide a voice for their interests. They will serve a four-year term.
Tony Hales, CRT chair, said:
“Having boaters on board is essential to the success of the Trust. I am writing to all licence
holders and I encourage them to put themselves forward and add their voices to those shaping
the Trust’s future.” Boaters wanting to stand for election will need to complete a simple
nomination form, which will be available to download here from 12 December 2011 to 18 January 2012. To be eligible to stand or vote in the election, boaters must hold a 12-month BW annual licence or river registration on 18 January 2012. Nominations must be supported by ten sponsors who each also hold a valid 12-month boat licence on this date.

Voting will take place via a designated website or by SMS text. Voting by post will also be possible, but only for this first set of Council elections. The election is being managed by the Electoral Reform Services and the timetable is
as follows:
Monday, 12 December 2011. Nomination forms available
Wednesday 18 January 2012. Nominations close
Wednesday, 8 February 2012. Voting
Friday, 9 March 2012. Voting closes
Monday, 12 March 2012. Election results announced.

Week commencing 26 March. First meeting of the Council.

To be eligible to stand for election and vote in the election, you must hold a 12-month canal or river boat licence on 18 January 2012. Your nomination must be supported by 10 sponsors who each also hold a valid 12-month canal or river boat licence on this date.

This information is based upon the information received from the Trustees and the Transition Appointments Committee.

Further details are available here.