BW Local Moorings Strategies
The aim of this British Waterways consultation is to invite feedback on the mechanics of how BW should develop local mooring strategies. These are proposed as a means of ensuring that, as boating use of the waterways increases, scarce space along the line of the canal is shared fairly between waterway users and general amenity […]
BW Moorings Consultation
The aims of this British Waterways consultation are to: improve understanding of the complex issues associated with management of moorings on BW’s 2,000 mile historic waterway network in England and Wales invite feedback on new policy proposals which we have developed with help from national boating organisations.
WC Surveys PR
OUR CASH STRAPPED CANALS– A CATASTROPHE IN WAITING Lack of cash could endanger the safety of all who use or live near our canals and rivers, a recent survey confirmed.
NABO continues to promote more dredging. Pressure from NABO and others secured a 50% increase in BW’s Southern Region dredging budget over a five year period.
Boat Licensing and Moorings
NABO was victorious in taking BW to the Waterway Ombudsman over the lack of consultation concerning boat licence fee increases.
BW Waterways Standards
This document, which sets out the standards for depth, facilities, etc. on waterways controlled by BW, is available to all boaters at a nominal charge, thanks to NABO. BW had refused to make copies available to the public. NABO took BW to the Waterways Ombudsman over this, and won.
Canal Closures
NABO wants waterway closures and restrictions to be minimised. Too often canals are closed for long periods and inadequate notice is given of stoppages and restrictions. NABO is represented at the National Stoppages meeting and its Regional Secretaries monitor planned closures and argue the case for more opening periods, better synchronisation and longer advanced notice.
Boating Issues at Local Level
NABO ‘s system of regional and local level representation provides a valuable means of cross fertilisation of ideas between different waterways. There have been many instances where NABO representatives have been able to cite productive thinking on one waterway to benefit others.
BW property sell off
Dear friends There is good news coming from BW on the issue of the potential sell off. They have put out a press release.
BW Property sell-off
David Fletcher, NABO chairman writes, There is good news coming from BW on the issue of the potential sell off. They have put out a press release The headline is: “The UK Government has today (7 December 2009) ended recent speculation about the sale of British Waterways’ property endowment in England and Wales by announcing […]