BW Local Moorings Strategies

The aim of this British Waterways consultation is to invite feedback on the mechanics of how BW should develop local mooring strategies. These are proposed as a means of ensuring that, as boating use of the waterways increases, scarce space along the line of the canal is shared fairly between waterway users and general amenity protected for all to enjoy.

BW has proposed the western end of the Kennet & Avon Canal as a good candidate for the first of two or three pilot projects to develop local mooring strategies during 2010. The lessons learned from these will inform the wider use of this approach in other parts of the BW network.

Click here to Download the consultation paper.


NABO have submitted a response which can be found elsewhere on this web site.

Thank you to all those who took the time to send in a personal response to BW. This consultation finished on January 31st.