Manchester to Lymm
Saturday 11th September 2010 Up early and a 2 mile brisk walk up the Rochdale Nine ( and yes, they were all full and overflowing for those of you familiar)
To Castlefield
Friday 10th September 2010 Up easily – usual couple of miles brisk walk at seven – found a paper shop too! Target Plank Lane Swing Bridge when it opens at 8.30am
Now an Algae problem for the L&L
There is more bad news for the Leeds and Liverpool Canal. The shortage of water is leading to a new problem – the lack of boat movement is allowing blue green algae to spread fast on some parts of the canal.
Leeds and Liverpool East update
Following a chat with Debbie Lumb,North West Waterways Manager on Friday she was hopeful of improvements on the eastern side of the summit during the next week as
BW NW Water Resource Statement
British Waterways North-West Water Resource Position Statement: 3 August 2010 Following issue of the position statement dated 20 July 2010, the prolonged dry weather was broken by a few days of heavy rain.
DEFRA publish response to Waterways for Everyone
DEFRA have published a summary of the responses to the consultation on the proposal to update the Government strategy for the Inland Waterways of England and Wales.
DEFRA publish response to Waterways for Everyone
u that there is a summary of the responses to the consultation on the proposal to update the Government strategy for the inland waterways of England and Wales, this can be found at:
EA publish their Annual report for the non-tidal River Thames
EA have just published their first annual report for the non tidal Thames. Given the Waterways Minister’s statement that he is considering a proposal to move EA navigation waters into BW’s control, it is appropriate that BW’s customers see how the other half live.
Parliamentary Debate on the Waterways
On 7th July 2010,Tristram Hunt (Stoke-on-Trent Central, Labour) introduced an adjournment debate on the subject of the future of the waterways, with the Minister, Richard Benyon, present.
British Waterways Annual Report 2009/2010
The following press release was issued by BW this week and contains links to the Full 2009/2010 Accounts. We suspect that readers will look at Directors remuneration on page 46 as a first stop but the whole report is worth reading