Leeds and Liverpool East update

Following a chat with Debbie Lumb,North West Waterways Manager on Friday she was hopeful of improvements on the eastern side of the summit during the next week as

permissions were given to increase flows from various rivers.

The western side however still had some way to go as the reservoirs were filling very slowly and she was unable to give any firm idea of a date for a reopening. The various works were going ahead well brought forward from November.

Debbie also explained that the leak in Blackburn which has been a problem and subject to mystery as to exactly where its is coming from still poses problems. A very large amount of clay has been applied to the bed in the area with little effect. Analysis of the water causing road flooding is being undertaken to try and see if its not actually canal water at all and results will be known on Wednesday 25th August and will hopefully provide BW, United Utilities and the local council with some answers and possible solutions. Debbie said "As the pound in question is blocked by stop planks and has shown no real drop in levels since the stoppage it's a real mystery!"