The continuing continuous cruising enforcement saga

CRT announced today that it will be taking action on the substantial number of boaters whose licences have been granted under the condition that, as they don’t have a home mooring, they will continuously cruise and are therefore required to be “bona fide navigating” and also not to remain in any one “place” for more […]

Changes by CRT to Terms & Conditions of Private Boat Licences

We have been advised that CRT have  been working on changes to the Terms & Conditions (T&C’s) of private boat licences.  According to CRT these changes are being made to bring the T&C’s up to date and to clear up any ambiguities. ( See:files/8375-table-of-changes-to-boat-licence-terms-and-conditions-jan-2015.pdf ). We are alarmed by the seemingly large number of changes […]

Meeting between the National Boating Associations and CRT.

Posted below are the notes of a meeting held at Milton Keynes on 3 November between the National Boating Associations and CRT. It has taken a month to get these minutes out because there are some fundamental differences between the views of some of the associations. NABO agreed that these should be published on the […]