Canals full of boats, but frustrations galore.

Editor, Peter Fellows, includes a roundup of members’ photos. It’s been a busy summer on the waterways as many people decided on a ‘staycation’ instead of holidaying abroad, with hireboat companies reportedly fully booked. Unfortunately, those who decided to head north had their travel plans disrupted by a series of stoppages on the Macclesfield, Peak […]

All NABO Members Urged To Complete EA Registration Consultation

The Environment Agency are consulting on their proposals relating to Boat registration. Charges are to apply from 1st January 2022. The web site link is: The proposals apply to all navigable waterways managed by the Environment Agency i.e. principally the non-tidal Thames, Anglian Waterways and the Medway. The proposals are wide ranging and, whilst […]

Thames moorings U turn for EA

The Thames EA have issued an update regarding the Thames moorings management contract with District Enforcement. The Environment Agency’s contract with District Enforcement, will be brought to an end from 30th September 2021. They say that this decision has been taken following a review that subsequently identified issues with our internal procurement processes, rather than as […]

West Midlands

Peter Braybrook reports Since the last Council meeting, I attended the WM Regional Forum on 25th May. I have commented to Matthew Symonds about the constant spin that boaters only pay a fifth of the cost of canal upkeep. I have noticed that there are more infrastructure failures than ever – Hillmorton locks and Factory locks […]

Time to cut the grass?

Time to cut the grass? Last year I wrote a long article about towpath mowing (‘One man went to mow’, Issue 4, July 2020). I write now with an update. CRT and the Navigation Advisory Group (NAG) have worked on the mowing regimes over the last 12 months to improve the mapping on the towpath […]

Time for a rethink?

Editor, Peter Fellows, considers an alternative to the present CRT structure Two aspects have dominated NABO’s work since the last issue: CRT’s new licence terms and conditions and the threats to the waterway heritage. The T&Cs continue to exercise people who realise the significance of the changes – unfortunately not the majority of boaters. I’ve […]

CRT Terms and Conditions – NABO letter to members

Following the last NABO Council meeting it was resolved to write to our members (and CRT) outlining our continuing concerns.   As many of you will be aware there has recently been yet another revision of the Canal and River Trust’s (CRT) Terms and Conditions (T&C’s) for private boaters. This latest publication follows their admission […]

NABO responds to CRT Terms and Conditions

NABO has written today to CRT asking them to delay the introduction of the revised terms (for private boat licences), until they have been consulted. The letter reads: NABO is naturally disappointed that in the six months since our submission to CRT the Trust has made no effort to respond to the detailed points raised […]

CRT pull a rabbit out a hat.

CRT have this week published their intended wording for boat licence terms and conditions. This follows a consultation in 2020. There is also a report on the consultation. You can read the details here: CRT unhelpfully say “After such a positive and constructive response to the consultation with respondents largely recognising the purpose and […]