Other DEFRA responses
Many other organisations have made submissions to DEFRA over the NWC.
NABO responds to the DEFRA consultation on NWC
Our response has now been completed to the consultation on "A New Era for the Waterways".
Draft of the response to DEFRA’s consultation
Council are busy putting the final touches to the response to DEFRA. This is one of the most important consultations for many years, and we have to get it right.
Last days to respond to NWC Consultation
DEFRA's consultation on the proposed NWC closes on the 30 June. Please do make a response.
NABO responds to RED consulation
NABO has recently responded to the Department for Transport consultation on the Renewable Energy Directive.
NABO’s Response to the DfT RED Consultation
In its response to the Department for Transport Red Diesel Consultation, NABO requests that at this time, the inland waterway market be exempted from the use of fuels with a bio content of more than the current target of 3.5%.
Headlines from the NABO 2011 Cost of Boating Survey
£ Maximum Minimum Average 40′ wide boat 57′ narrowboat 70′ narrowboat‘ Licence 1417 50 555 360 687 774 Boat Insurance 700 50 213 510 289 174 Mooring £ per foot 5269 127 11 0.19 1675 36 2040 51 2200 39 2756 39 BSS Certificate 436 175 64 0 135 0 Diesel/Petrol 2500 10 452 400 […]
A Judgement
British Waterways took proceedings against Paul Davies as far back as March 2009. This subsequently became one of their test cases to try to clarify their legal powers,
Visitor mooring plans in BW SE area
Over the last year, BW have carried out a review of all the visitor moorings across the South East.
NABO General Secretary in Disgrace!
Following some serious lapses in administration General Secretary, Richard Carpenter expects some questions about his ability at next weeks Council Meeting!