CRT consultation on changes to Liverpool Link 2015 season

CRT is considering changing the way that they manage the Leeds & Liverpool Canal from Hancock’s Swing Bridge to Stanley Locks. Unfortunately NABO was not formally advised about this, and indeed it does not appear on CRT’s website, but having discovered it was being undertaken, we would like to make a submission. CRT has extended […]

CRT consultation on the design of safety fences

Marple Aqueduct, on the Peak Forest Canal, is undergoing over half a million pounds worth of repair, conservation and access improvement work as part of the Heritage Lottery funded Revealing Oldknow’s Legacy project. The anticipated increase in visitor numbers following the improvements has led to a safety review of the Aqueduct that concluded additional measures […]

K&A Mooring Trial

K&A Mooring Trial Geoffrey Rogerson provides an update   Earlier this year the K&A Canal Partnership, after various consultations and deliberations, came up with the K&A voluntary Mooring Trial. The object was to encourage the movement of boats and the gist of it was to divide the canal between Bath and Devizes into neighbourhoods. The […]

Towpath Winter Moorings

Towpath Winter Mooring Permits – a debate Mark Tizard summarises the arguments for and against.   NABO has been contacted by several members regarding the growth of towpath winter moorings and, following a discussion at the recent AGM, we thought we would open up the debate further to our members. NABO has supported winter moorings […]

Editorial November 14

Editorial   It’s nice to end the year on several positive notes: I’m pleased that £2 million has been earmarked to restore the historic Mile Wharf on the Leeds & Liverpool Canal in Burnley. We cruised past it in the summer and commented then on the disgraceful state it’s in. Although there are some big […]

Chairman’s report to AGM

Chairman’s Report to AGM   Having admired the work of NABO ever since we bought our first boat some 16 years ago, I was delighted to be invited to join the Council. I didn’t quite tumble to what David had in mind, though, when I soon discovered that he was planning to stand down after […]

CRT report on Towpath Consultation

CRT have just reported on the recent Towath Usage consultation.  They say: In March we began consulting nationally on our Sharing Towpaths project and asked people to provide feedback by completing a short survey. A total of 2,148 people completed the online survey, we had 88 responses to our sharing towpaths email address and three workshops were held […]