The AGM for NABO will take place on Saturday 16th November 2013 at Wolverhampton Boat Club, Barnhurst Lane, Bilbrook, Wolverhampton, WV8 1RS Pendeford Lane, Wolverhampton, WV10 0PG on the southern end of the Shropshire Union.

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Bulletin October 2013

Dear Members, This is the third NABO Bulletin. This is not intended to complete with NABO News, but rather to tell members what Association Officers are doing for you, and what you can do for the Association. Internal NABO issues The next Council meeting is on Saturday 12 October at the Waggon and Horses, Olbury, […]

CRT annouce details for Winter Moorings

CRT have annouced details for Winter Mooring permits for 2013-14. They are trialling new options following suggestions from boaters. The Trust have said that they are offering a limited number of winter moorings at selected visitor mooring sites.  In addition, there are two further options for continuous cruisers.  The Trust is offering a cheaper general […]

Latest on CRT court cases

Simon Robbins sums up the recent legal outcomes. You may recall that, arising out of our legal complaint, NABO persuaded CRT to publish the outcomes of ‘boating enforcement’ cases that went to court. Our legal advice suggests that some of the claims BW/CRT were making about their supposed powers were controversial and  challengeable. In practice we reached […]

NABO News Editorial October 13

Sleepwalking into Trouble?   There was a (very short) CRT consultation in July on changing the licensing system for charity and community boats, which would result in them being charged for a standard leisure boat licence rather than a commercial licence, less a 60% discount. Fair enough, you might say: simplify the licensing system as […]