Time to cut the grass?

Time to cut the grass? Last year I wrote a long article about towpath mowing (‘One man went to mow’, Issue 4, July 2020). I write now with an update. CRT and the Navigation Advisory Group (NAG) have worked on the mowing regimes over the last 12 months to improve the mapping on the towpath […]

Letter to members – CRT’s T&Cs

Anne Husar finds key issues not consulted on, which could negatively impact boaters. As many of you will be aware, there has recently been yet another revision of CRT’s Terms and Conditions (T&C’s) for private boaters. This latest publication follows their admission of ‘errors’ in previous drafts which has now led to two of the […]

A blow-by-blow account of the terms

In mid-2020, CRT commenced a consultation on the private boat licence terms and conditions. They did not invite comment on the whole document, but limited the consultation to nine items of change. NABO made three submissions: on the consultation; on the privacy policy and a third on the readability of the terms and privacy documents. […]

Time for a rethink?

Editor, Peter Fellows, considers an alternative to the present CRT structure Two aspects have dominated NABO’s work since the last issue: CRT’s new licence terms and conditions and the threats to the waterway heritage. The T&Cs continue to exercise people who realise the significance of the changes – unfortunately not the majority of boaters. I’ve […]

Trouble signing in?

I see a few members trying to sign in and failing. I get an email every time this happens, so I know what is going on. The system is working ok, or I would not be able to write this, but there be gremlins about. I have done some maintenance clean up on the system […]

EA Navigation Consultation – boat registration charges proposals from 1 Jan 2022

EA have advised us as follows: We are pleased to announce that our Navigation charges consultation is now live. The consultation will be running for 8 weeks, until 16 September 2021.  You will find the Navigation charges consultation page, together with all the relevant information on Citizen Space – https://consult.environment-agency.gov.uk/environment-and-business/nav-boat-reg-charge. We do encourage you and your […]

CRT Terms and Conditions – NABO letter to members

Following the last NABO Council meeting it was resolved to write to our members (and CRT) outlining our continuing concerns.   As many of you will be aware there has recently been yet another revision of the Canal and River Trust’s (CRT) Terms and Conditions (T&C’s) for private boaters. This latest publication follows their admission […]

NABO responds to CRT Terms and Conditions

NABO has written today to CRT asking them to delay the introduction of the revised terms (for private boat licences), until they have been consulted. The letter reads: NABO is naturally disappointed that in the six months since our submission to CRT the Trust has made no effort to respond to the detailed points raised […]