“British Waterways couldn’t even organise …… “

Bob Naylor, a freelance reporter from Devizes went to a meeting in Devizes about the transfer of BW to the New Waterways Charity addressed by David Bruce, President of the Kennet & Avon Canal Trust and came away with a startling report.

The KAcanalTIMES published that report here. In it the K&A Trust president made a scathing attack on British Waterways, headlined, "British Waterways couldn't even organise a piss-up in a brewery" – and he should know as he has run successful pub and brewery businesses.

David Fletcher, NABO Chairman, thinks, "There is nothing new in what he says. However, it is a bit of a concern that BW have apparently not convinced the K and A Trust, bearing in mind this was/is the first of the waterway partnerships. We have a way to go yet."

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