NABO Announce a return to Crick in May 2011

At the recent Council Meeting following this years AGM budget approval was given for a return to Crick Show next spring.

Council felt that with the many potential changes to the Waterways is was important that during 2011 we meet as many members and potential members as possible and that Crick was probably the best attended by boat owners and potential boat owners.


Chairman David Fletcher said " Last year we were amazed at how many people we met who had decided or were thinking about buying boats and were really poorly informed as to what they were undertaking. Our advice and our guides to buying seemed to be welcomed. He went on,"This coming year is really important for us to engage with our members and indeed all boat owners as we are already heavily involved with the various consultations taking place with Government, British Waterways and the Environment Agency. It is vital we have all the feedback from boat owners to be sure we represent everyone properly."


The Crick Show management has been taken over by the team at well read Waterways Monthly "Waterways World" who are promising some new approaches to the structure of the Show. Richard Carpenter, General Secretary of NABO, will be making the practical arrangements and as usual is keen to have some volunteers to man the stand "Even an hour to give us a chance to have a break will be welcome." he said. So if you plan to attend and would do a bit could you make contact with him – some free passes will be on offer to those that can!


If not there will always be a couple of Council Members on hand at any time to chat with.


See you there!