The All Party Parliamentary Waterways Group has just issued their views on the NWC.
The APPWG is a group of MPs and Lords who take an active interest in the Waterway Issues. They have met twice this year, to take evidence from witnesses on the fundamental issues of governance and financing for the New Waterways Charity. Boater representatives including NABO were present to hear the evidence too.
The Rt Hon Alun Michael MP, as chair of the Group, has today published a memorandum with conclusions and recommendations on the issues of governance and financing.
The Group have given their support for the set up of the NWC, and that it should move to a representative body to achieve ownership by and engagement with communities. But it has drawn attention again to the risks of under funding and recommended an independent assessment of the level of funding required.
NABO Chair David Fletcher commented: “I welcome this report. It very much reflects the views, hope and fears of the boating community. I don’t expect any of it will be a surprise to the Interim Trustees who I am sure are busy, with all these issues at the moment. Hopefully this will give them some welcome support from influential places.”
The report discusses some of the options in the way that users and members could be represented. These are not yet finalised, so please do read these and tell us what you think.
To read the report click here
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