Middle Level Success

As reported in the July issue of NABO News, NABO petitioned to ensure that boaters’ services would be maintained on the Middle Level and that this should be written into the Act. The Middle Level Bill went through the House of Lords’ Parliamentary process and their amendments were considered and agreed by the House of Commons on 16th October. The Bill received Royal Assent and was enacted on 1st November. In response to NABO’s petition, the Middle Level Commissioners wrote to the Lords, undertaking “to spend at least 25% of the annual income received from charges … on providing facilities on the Nene-Ouse Navigation Link, which meet the current Minimum Standards for the Provision of Facilities for Boaters as published by the Inland Waterways Association …”.

Boaters on the Middle Level will now have to pay a licence fee, have a BSS certificate and be insured. Details of the Act are available at https://services.parliament.uk/Bills/2017-19/middlelevel.html.