CRT extend customer services opening hours

Canal and River Trust have just announced that from 7 July 2019, customers will be able to get in touch with customer service team seven days a week. The customer service team will now be responding to enquiries from 8am-6pm Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm Sat, and 10am-4pm Sun.  All contact channels will be open across telephone, web form, email and social.

Boaters can get in touch with the Trust by filling out a webform, calling 0303 040 4040, tweeting @CRTcontactus or getting involved in a local user forum.

NABO comments: We are pleased to see this happening. It has long been a problem when staff were needed over the weekend, and the only way of getting in touch was though the emergency number. This is run by West Midlands Ambulance, and when they are busy, canal calls do not get answered. The change is very welcome. The customer service line is currently run by Moneypenny, but we understand that this arrangement is under review.