Letter to EA: Lifting restrictions to recreational powered craft boating on the Thames
Further to our earlier email we now write with our thoughts regarding how best to commence lifting restrictions to recreational powered craft boating on the Thames.
BSS Examination COVID-19 suspension lifted
Boat Safety Scheme (BSS) Examinations, suspended in the COVID-19 related lockdown, have now resumed for most boat owners, but they will happen in a ‘new normal’ framework based on the latest Government guidance. Following the UK Government request that those who cannot work from home, should restart work where possible, the BSS has lifted the […]
Thames Recreational Powered Boating Organisations Agree To Joint Action
Five organisations representing recreational powered craft users on the non-tidal Thames have agreed to join forces to encourage greater engagement and co-operation with the Environment Agency who are responsible for managing the waterway. The Association of Thames Yacht Clubs (ATYC), DBA -The Barge Association (DBA), the National Association of Boat Owners (NABO), the Residential Boat Owners’ […]
Meeting of All Party Parliamentary Group for the Waterways: May 2020
A meeting of the APPWG was held on Thursday 14th May using the Zoom videoconferencing facility. NABO attended as observers – the norm for such meetings. This well “attended” meeting was chaired by the APPWG’ s Chairman, Michael Fabricant, and very appropriately focused on the need for dedicated financial support for waterways businesses.
Yet More on CO
David Fletcher has news of a study to monitor CO in boats. Carbon monoxide (CO) continues to kill several boaters every year. The BSS requirement for alarms was introduced last year, accompanied by a significant press campaign, but there continue to be incidents, and the number of boats failing examination on this point continues to […]
Expired BSS certificates extended to 31 July
The navigation authorities have agreed to further extend the current waiver on BSS Certifications to 31 July 2020. As BSS Examinations have been suspended since late March, there is now a considerable backlog of boats needing to renew their Certifications. We strongly urge those boat owners who can, to book their Examinations as soon as […]
CRT launches appeal to support small charities across it’s network
The Canal & River Trust has today, 5 May 2020, launched a fundraising appeal to help support the dozens of small waterway-based charities across its network which have been adversely impacted by the impacts of coronavirus. Launched on Giving Tuesday, the global day of giving and unity, the Waterway Charities Appeal will provide support for […]
CRT annual boat count
The Canal & River Trust’s annual national boat count shows that licence compliance on its waterways remains high with 96.2% of boaters holding a valid licence (2019: 96.4%). This is the fourth highest compliance figure in the last 10 years and is the eleventh successive year with evasion below 5%. The national boat count sees […]
Environment Agency COVID-19 update no. 2
These are fast changing times and following our last communication we wanted to expand on some of the measures we are taking on Environment Agency navigations. We are continuing to follow Government advice during this Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and our main priority remains protecting the health of our staff, customers and the general public. Since […]